Title | International Journal of Sociology and Humanities |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-8687, Print ISSN : 2664-8679 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8.11 |
Title | International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-8660, Print ISSN : 2664-8652 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8.12 |
Title | International Journal of Social Research and Development |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-8709, Print ISSN : 2664-8695 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8 |
Title | International Journal of Physics and Mathematics |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-8644, Print ISSN : 2664-8636 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8 |
Title | International Journal of Sports, Exercise and Physical Education |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-729X, Print ISSN : 2664-7281 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8 |
Title | International Journal of Physiology, Health and Physical Education |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-7273, Print ISSN : 2664-7265 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8 |
Title | International Journal of Physiology, Exercise and Physical Education |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-7257, Print ISSN : 2664-7249 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8 |
Title | International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-7230, Print ISSN : 2664-7222 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8 |
Title | International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-7214, Print ISSN : 2664-7206 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8 |
Title | International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Research |
ISSN | Online ISSN : 2664-7192, Print ISSN : 2664-7184 |
Impact Factor | RJIF 8 |